Friday, May 8, 2020

Job search advice for the weekend embrace fresh starts and partner with experts -

Job search advice for the weekend embrace fresh starts and partner with experts - It is easy to get caught up in what you are doing like a hamster on a wheel and forget to take the time to stop to evaluate what you have done. I dont think many job seekers would disagree; it is difficult to step back and really look at how you have spent your time, what tools, tips and tricks have worked and which have not. When you are in the midst of things, expecting to cast a fresh eye on the process is a lot to ask. I have been thinking of this recently, as I am in the process of redesigning this site! The last time I launched a new look for Keppie Careers, it was a very big deal because I was merging my blog (which lived on and was not self-hosted) and my business site that has always been here at This redesign has been a big deal in a different way. It has forced me to take a new look at what I am doing with the site, what my goals are for the pages and for my readers and to rethink aspects that have been part of my current site for a long time. A fresh look, with the help of some professionalsIt is a good thing! I am also launching a whole new look for my site, complete with a new logo! I was very excited to partner with Elise Elswood for my logo. Once we launch the new site (soon), I hope you will agree that it is energetic and a good visual representation of my brand. (I also have fabulous new business cards she designed for me!) As for the site itself, I will be moving to the often talked about Thesis platform for WordPress. Many respected social media stars use and promote it, and I have several friends who have successfully optimized their sites via Thesis. Willie Jackson has been doing a great job on the technical and web design front. I cant tell you how great it has been to partner with professionals to help me achieve my target goals. I am no graphic designer and, while I certainly could have done something on a Thesis site on my own, it wouldnt have been anything like what Willie has created. So, two thoughts to share: 1. If you have been head down in a job hunt without taking some time to reevaluate or retool, think about using the weekend to take a step back. Maybe dont involve yourself in any job search activities for a few days. Then, on Monday, really spend some time thinking about what you can do differently. Im sure there is at least one thing that will make a difference for you. Dont stop trying to find a job, just do it differently. Maybe you can talk to people who cant help you to propel your search? (You may be surprised!) Or, think about how your body language matters in your job hunt. How can you do what your competition is NOT doing? Is that optimizing social media for your job hunt? Maybe it is time to use Twitter to propel your job search? There is something you have not done that you can still try. 2. Since I always advise hiring an expert for job search materials, I am always happy to say that I have followed my own advice. It is tempting to try to do everything. It saves money, you maintain all controlBut, in the end, it can be a real waste of time and the results are not what you want. A resume writer can help you get a job. No one is an expert at everything! Partner with a job search pro...The results may be beyond your expectations! photo by missmossie

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