Thursday, December 19, 2019

Avoid These Career Regrets for Job Satisfaction

Avoid These Career Regrets for Job SatisfactionAvoid These Career Regrets for Job Satisfaction0In the 21st century, we have more freedom than ever in terms of how we manage our careers. Theoretically, this should lead to fewer regrets when its all said and done. But unterstellung five regrets remain career pitfalls for many, and you would be wise to reflect upon them before making your next career move. Avoiding these career regrets will help you find job satisfaction.I should have given my dream a fair shot Those who yearn to pursue a talent or launch a business often dont take the plunge because they fear risk and/or failure. This feeling is legitimate, but it can be countered by taking one small step toward your dream at a time.I should have quit a long time ago You might be holding on to an unsatisfying or emotionally draining job because the economy has limited your options and you need the money, but be wary of staying in such a position for years. You spend more time working t han doing anything else, so it shouldnt make you miserable. Heres how to quit your job.I should have taken responsibility for my own happiness Passive individuals pursue the path of least resistance. However, they later wish theyd taken control and been more proactive about their professional growth. If youre waiting around for your boss to appreciate you or another employer to hand you a better opportunity, you should remember that no one has the power to change your life or reinvent your career for the better but you.I should have focused less on money Its terrific if a job pays well, but that job must have other positive attributes as well. It doesnt matter how much money you have in the bank If theres no time to spend it and nothing meaningful to spend it on, its worthless. Among professionals, this tends to be one of the largest career regrets.I should have spent less time working At the end of life, you rarely hear seniors saying they wish they had spent more time at the offic e. Rather, they regret lost weekends with their families and missed childhood milestones. When managing your career, always keep in mind whats truly important.Readers, do you have any career regrets? How have you overcome them to find job satisfaction, or what would you do differently in the future?

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